Monday, November 16, 2009

Find All Functions and Procedures That Have No Parameters

To find all functions that have no parameters, use this code:
SELECT AS FunctionName
FROM sys.objects                    AS o
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_parameters  AS p
ON o.[object_id] p.[object_id]
WHERE o.type IN ('AF''FN''IF''TF')
p.parameter_id IS NULL

To find all stored procedures that have no parameters, use this code:
SELECT AS ProcedureName
FROM sys.procedures                 AS o
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.all_parameters  AS p
ON o.[object_id] p.[object_id]
AND p.parameter_id IS NULL

Friday, November 13, 2009

Download PASS Summit Session Presentations

I couldn't figure out how to get access to the PASS Summit session presentations. Here's the scoop. Thanks to Elena Sebastiano at PASS for the instructions.

To download session presentations:
  1. Log onto the PASS Summit Itinerary Planner using the email address you used when registering for the conference
  2. Click on Presentation Decks from the top menu
  3. From there you can search by track, session code or speaker to choose a session
  4. Once you have located your session(s) of interest, click on the session title
  5. From the session info page scroll to the bottom and click on the View button
  6. Then click on the link provided to gain access to the handout(s)